I'm learning how to knit cables because I have never attempted them before. I knitted the purse without a cable needle.
Yarn: Wool Ease (I think) -- the blue color- I got that at a garage sale for a quarter and some orange "tutu" yarn.
The purse looks kind of Mediterranean, I think.
-the button is a gold colored rose shank button.
-The cables are made by slipping three, knitting three, taking the stitches off, putting the knitted stitches back on, and then knitting the slipped stitches.
-2 cables running throughout the purse, and the front is tapered off by k2 together on every other stitch.
No pattern.
I also decided to make this planner cozy with some of the yarn I bought a few weeks ago. It was amusing to knit with 5 alternating colors.
No pattern
Yarn: Red Heart super saver
-Light Fuchsia
-Frosty Green
-Cherry Red
and Red Heart classic
-Off White